This is another shortened version of "best regards." While considered less formal, it can still be an acceptable form of professional communication. This is a good option for less professional forms of communication, such as when communicating casually with a coworker or a personal connection outside of work. When you shorten the phrase "best regard" to "regards," it becomes less formal. Here are some other sign-offs you can consider: Regards The phrase "best regards" is a good choice for ending an email in many different situations, both professional and personal, but there are also other variations that you can use to express similar meanings. Related: 11 Writing Strategies for Effective Communication Alternatives to best regards

Try adding a variety of different sign-offs at the end of your email, and determine which works best with your content. It can also be helpful to consider the alternatives to "best regards" and determine if any of them would be a better fit. Consider your relationship with the recipient and the intention of the message when determining whether or not "best regards" is a good choice to conclude your correspondence. Though it's most common when communicating via email, you can also use it to end a physical letter. "Best regards" is most appropriate when you have a working relationship or previous communication with the recipient. When communicating with coworkers or team members When communicating with a vendor you've worked you've worked with in the past When communicating with a client with whom you have developed a working relationship with When communicating about a project with your boss or supervisor Here are a few examples in which you would use the phrase to effectively end an email: "Best regards" can express respect, familiarity, well intention and professionalism. Related: Tips for Using Thanks and Regards in Email and Letters When to use "best regards" Other similar closings include “best wishes,” “all the best” and “warmly.” More formal closings are “sincerely” or “respectfully.” “Best regards” typically suggests that you respect the recipient, but don’t necessarily have a close personal relationship with them. It is a semiformal letter ending, versatile enough for both personal and professional correspondence. When you see “best regards” near the end of a message, it simply means the writer wishes you well. “Best regards” is a common, friendly closing for emails and written letters. In this article, we discuss the meaning of "best regards" in an email closing and we offer a few other ways to end a professional email. One way to effectively end an email is with the phrase "best regards," which is versatile enough to be appropriate in both formal and informal communication. When sending emails, it's important to learn the best ways to conclude them professionally and respectfully before writing your name. With a vendor you've worked with previously.With a client with whom you've developed a working relationship.A woman sits typing on a laptop next to a list with the title "When To Use 'Best Regards' When Communicating:" and these tips: